Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Elizabeth Peavey

I have completed the Myrle Robertson Bradshaw oral histories and now I have uploaded several sound-bites from Miriam Breckenridge's oral history featuring Elizabeth Peavey. Although Elizabeth Peavey was a Twin Falls resident, she still visited the Wood River Valley during its early years. Her perspective of the valley is a unique and interesting one that I enjoyed re-living through her stories and descriptions.

I'm not going to be blogging tomorrow because it's the 4th of July. However, I'll be back on my mission Thursday or Friday depending on family plans this week (my uncle is back from Russia for the month). Feel free to comment while I'm gone and I'll be back to answer any questions late this week.

Here's the newly retouched photo of the day and have a Happy 4th everyone!


  1. I believe her name was spelled with a *z* ~ Elizabeth. Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure (am her granddaughter).

    This is an amazing project and I'm enjoying following your progress. Well done!

  2. Thanks for catching that! I'm glad you are enjoying these oral history clips. Hopefully all of these oral histories will be uploaded in full soon. Keep posted!
