Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Varied Day on the Project

I've been continuing to compile all of the audio files into concise files organized under individual names. Basically, when we translated all of our cassettes that the oral histories were recorded on to CDs, we had to split up the content into a couple of tracks per disk over a couple of disks. Now that we are trying to compile all of the information onto the library's server, I have to go through and put all of the pieces back together into a single audio file. It's tedious work, but will have excellent gains in the long run.

These last two weeks for me I will be doing a series of tasks for the department; I'm just helping out wherever I can. For example, today I found a great video on Photoshop that helped out Kathleen with a project she was working on. If anyone is interested in checking it out here is the link:

Here is another photo to keep your interest in history peaked:

Thanks again! See you all tomorrow!


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